Nice. How much? I got tired of dealers not budging or working with me on price. Little discount from MSRP then added all junk add-ons.
Charley said:
Nice. How much? I got tired of dealers not budging or working with me on price. Little discount from MSRP then added all junk add-ons.
I just helped a guy in Central Texas get this exact trim for 36 months at 10,000 miles per year for $520 per month with no money down and just the first payment to take delivery. His color was Pantera Metal on the gray interior, but it was an S trim FWD 2025 Telluride. I live in Florida, but I have Telluride clients all over the country for purchases and leases. I just bought my wife a new SX Prestige X Line in Wolfe Gray on the black interior for Christmas on December 23rd, and she really likes it. Florida is one of the worst places in the country to try to buy or lease a Telluride due to our excessive taxable fees and the dealership’s nonsense running wild. I’ve had three Tellurides, and none of them came from Florida where I live. I’ve gotten them in Indiana, Mississippi, and Georgia. I just got myself an EV9 and handled that through a partner Kia dealer in Iowa. Doing a remote transaction and shipping right to your front door is fantastic, as I will never purchase or lease a vehicle where I live here in Florida. Anyway, I am sorry you’ve had challenges with your local Kia dealers, but unfortunately, that’s the norm more than the exception. Good luck.
Cool. Leasing is silly though. Basically throwing money out the door. I have no idea if $520 per month is good. Best I got for the S out the door was $42k.
Charley said:
Cool. Leasing is silly though. Basically throwing money out the door. I have no idea if $520 per month is good. Best I got for the S out the door was $42k.
You are certainly entitled to feel that leasing is wasting money, but it is not a bad option for many folks. Most Americans do NOT keep cars for more than 36, 42, or 48 months before wanting a new vehicle and for most Americans, they will have negative equity at these points in time now that the car market is slowly normalizing toward the way it was before COVID (not there yet). I would rather have zero equity than negative equity, as most folks will not be positive on a loan at these time intervals. For the record, I tend to agree with you! I pay cash for my home and two of my three cars, but I did lease my '24 Kia EV9 GT Line as I would never buy an EV with the volatility of the resale value and the amazing lease cash incentives that are much greater than the purchase cash rebate coupled with a very low money factory around 2.25%, so only about $90 per month in interest on the lease payment for a top trim EV9. As for my recent client in TX (not this person, but another recent post of him with his Panthera metal S Trim FWD) who leased a $42,035 MSRP FWD S Trim, this payment is very strong as it took a dealer discount of $2,850 to get it there and there is only a little over $1,200 markup in a low trim Telluride like this from MSRP back to invoice. The Holdback is only another 2% of the MSRP, so less than $850 there, so we got this deal “back of invoice + holdback” by about $750. His OTD if he were buying it would have been $41,100. That is not a bad deal, but you are correct in the sense that the Telluride does NOT lease well. Even though it has a high RV%, Kia keeps the base money factor quite high as this vehicle tends to sell quite well in most areas, so there is no need to give it away from Kia’s perspective. There is also almost no lease cash on the Telluride too. I bought an SX Prestige X Line for my wife for Christmas on 12/23 from a partner dealer I have in GA as we live in Northeast FL, so it was only 100 miles from my home, so it was an easy pickup. The point here is that leasing is not always bad as we have different circumstances where it may not be a bad option. Cheers!
Beautiful! Welcome to the family!